Yoga and Sex: Kundalini Yoga Favors Sexual Energy For Mental Strength by Ashish Jain
Kundalini Yoga– This age old yoga practice is quite wary of other ancient religious practices for gaining elevated spiritual state. While most of the religious practices prefer ascetism and sexual abstinence as a way to uplift soul, Kundalini yoga considers carnal indulgence as a medium to increase self exploration. This practice of yoga lays great emphasis on leading a healthy sexual life.
Kundalini yoga suggests to “feel sex” instead of “merely performing sex.” According to this Yogic philosophy there could no better way to mutual exploration process than act of copulation. This yoga vehemently condemns the widespread connotation that sex is an impediment in attaining higher state of being.
Kundalini yoga practice is basically termed as fiery practice as it requires you to be very active. It doesn’t help you in gaining increased level of sexual prowess but also contributes to your worldly success by providing you with required mental peace and energy. The concept of kundalini says that spinal sexual energy is potent enough to offer great mental strength and wisdom.
The energy associated with kundalini concept is said to be of most powerful kind that flows in an energy canal inside the body that is known as Shushumna. Along with it there exists an additional canal in men and women. In women this additional channel of energy is termed as “Pingala” while men possess “Ida” canal of energy.
The kudalini suggests male and his female partner to first attain equal level of energy before going for copulation. For that they are first directed to get indulged in various tantric yoga meditations and asanas that help them attain complete rejuvenation as well as higher level of being. And energy gained after undergoing these Tantric Yoga practices happens to be unmatchable. Equipped with incredible energy and elevated physical and mental state a couple could experience optimum sexual pleasure and mutual exploration.
The hallmark of kundalini Yoga lies in its philosophy of strong connection between carnal indulgence and spirituality. But many people find it too difficult to get accustomed with refraining from orgasm that is not a preferred kundalini practice. According to the concept avoiding orgasm could result in increased level of kundalini energy in the body.
Kundalini’s way of masturbation results in great physical and mental relaxation. Like other yoga forms kundalini is also gaining world wide popularity. You can also opt for kundalini for above mentioned advantages, but I would suggest you to take up kundalini practices in consultation with an expert tantra yogi only.
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